resources that fuel your innovation.

Let’s Build Something Together Up-Rev Engineering in Melbourn FL. Electrical, Mechanical, and computer engineering with product development and design. Design
& Development

We take the nerd out of engineering & provide the communication you need.

Product design, electrical and computer engineering by Up-Rev Melbourne Fl Prototyping
& Engineering

We can validate your idea & quickly turn prototypes into real world solutions.

The Up-Rev process brings your idea from concept to design to production. Manufacturing

We provide the quality assurance & testing to complete any job.

We provide Industrial Design, System, Electrical, Mechanical, & Software Engineering services to cutting edge industries.

We’re in the business of breathing life into new ideas. From its concept phase to the moment it becomes a concrete product, your idea is valued at Up-Rev. Whether you want to hire a software developer, need an industrial engineering consultant or prefer to outsource electrical engineering services, our resources are available to you and your concept. A streamlined process and an extensive range of services mean that every need in the development of your product is met. There’ll be no need to search for manufacturing companies for your custom pcb after having the custom circuit design done by another – with Up-Rev, your vision comes to life under one roof. Not only will you be working with incredibly talented minds in industries from mechanical engineering to industrial design, but we’re also a software engineering company that ensures your ideas are fully understood every step of the way.

Get a Project Estimate Up-Rev Engineering in Melbourn FL. Electrical, Mechanical, and computer engineering with product development and design. Let’s Build Something Together


Let’s Build Something Together

NAICS Codes: 541330, 541511, 541512, 541420, 541712
D-U-N-S Number: 966773025 CAGE Code: 6JCW7

We’ve mastered a wide range of applications.

Up-Rev engineering in Melbourne FL has wireless communications capabilities, RF engineering and design.

Wireless Communications

Modern computer firmware and circuits engineered and designed by Up-Rev engineers in Melbourne FL.


RF engineering for signal processing technology by Up-Rev in Melbourne FL

Signal Processing

Electrical and computer engineering for power supply technology by Up-Rev Melbourne FL.

Power Supply and Power Electronics Design

Signal Analysis product using RF, electrical and computer engineering by Up-Rev in Melbourne FL

Test and Validation

Let’s Talk About Your Needs

Up-Rev is proud to be an Altium® Service Bureau.


NAICS Codes:

541330, 541511, 541512, 541420, 541712

D-U-N-S Number:


CAGE Code:


Up-Rev, Inc. HQ
1333 Gateway Drive
Suite 1020
Melbourne, FL 32901

Phone: 1.321.821.4918

Email: sales@up-rev.com

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Let’s Build Something Together

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